Introduction to Numpy and Pandas

What in the world is a Numpy and Why are Pandas relevant

#todo brief history/description #todo how to import

The Numpy Array

# the numpy array # indexing, slicing, boolean indexing # mention the huge number of methods

The Pandas Series and Dataframe

# todo define # indexing/slicing/boolean indexing # define dataframe, indexing slicing, columns # mention the huge number of methods # showcase head/tail, index, columns

Vectorised operations (or why pandas and numpy are cool)

# just explain and show off vecorized math


# different datatypes (int, float, bool, string, object) include a nod to datetime object, but hold for later # changing data types with astype

Vectorised boolean operations

# explain bracketing + [~,|,&] # float problems (e.g. floating point errors) np.isclose pandas version # in1d, pd.Series.isin

Missing data in pandas and Numpy

# show missing data types nan, NaN, NaT, None # np.isnan, isfinite # pd.isnull, .notnull # .fillna